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Friday, July 9, 2010

Quit Smoking!

Before I get to my main message, I want to mention a news story I just read that talks about a stall in the decline of U.S. teen smoking, which means that the goal of reducing rate to 16 percent by 2010 won't be met, CDC says. The rate is currently around 20%. Here is the news story if you want to read it: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/news/fullstory_100850.html

If you smoke or someone you love smokes, you might want to think about these health benefits if you stop smoking:

(from the U.S. Surgeon General)

The following are the benefits of quitting smoking that follow are in accordance to the timeline before which the smoker has quit smoking like:

After 20 minutes - Smoking causes increase in blood pressure. This high blood pressure is very harmful as it increases the danger of heart attack. But as soon as we quit smoking the risk minimizes and blood pressure rate becomes normal.

After 8 hours - Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood are greatly reduced; oxygen levels in the blood return to normal. The chances of a heart attack start to fall.

After 10 hours - Carbon monoxide (CO) level becomes half after 10 hours of quitting smoking. Carbon monoxide is one of the major pollutants that produce bad effects on cognitive skills and health. It also affects the oxygen, which is one of the most vital substances, which are necessary for survival. When the carbon monoxide level is high, it decreases intake of blood from lungs, which can lead to many serious problems. We increase our energy levels by smoothing the passage of oxygen as we restrict the carbon monoxide level by quitting smoking.

After 24 hours - If you successfully completed 24 hours, it is a marvelous starting, for the chain smokers that provides them strong bearing power, less level of tiredness after exercise and quick recovery.

After 48 Hours - When move to 48 hours from one whole day, it gives us a totally new experience as nicotine is removed from their body, which earlier has resulted in bad side effects by causing stomachache, vomiting and it also develops the probability of hypothermia.

After 72 hours - Bronchial tubes begin to relax; energy levels increase. Breathing becomes easier.

After 2-22 weeks - After 2 to 22 weeks of quitting smoking you will get rid of bad circulation and also of numerous other disorders like slow cold feet, skin healing, peripheral vascular disease (PVT), and Raynaud’s disease.

After 1 year - After you quit smoking for 1 year, you will reduce the risk of heart attack to half. According to the studies conducted in U.K, smoking results in around 20,000 deaths due to heart diseases.

After 10 years - After reducing the danger of heart attack our good habit of quitting smoking results in minimizing the danger of lung cancer to half.

After 15 years - After 15 years person who once was chain smoker leads a healthy life as a normal man who has never smoked. At last the good habit has repaid back

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